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reinforced concrete penstock中文是什么意思

用"reinforced concrete penstock"造句"reinforced concrete penstock"怎么读"reinforced concrete penstock" in a sentence


  • 钢筋混凝土压力水管


  • The deliberation of calculating concrete crack width for steel lined reinforced concrete penstock
  • Study on rational structure coefficient value of partial factors design expression for steel lined reinforced concrete penstock
  • Steel lined reinforced concrete penstock ( slrcp ) is raised by the experts of russia , which was firstly applied to hydropower station during 1960s to 1970s
  • As the space structure of the steel liner - reinforced concrete penstocks of the three gorges is complicated , the two - dimension smear crack model is hard to reflect the real case . so , this paper establishes the smear crack model based on three - dimension
  • This paper main discussed the numerical simulative technique of the crack about reinforced concrete . and in this technique , the crack extending in some typical cases about the steel liner - reinforced concrete penstocks of the three gorges hydroelectric station is analyzed
  • As we all know that damage constitutional law of concrete is fit for solving mass little cracks situation , that fracture mechanics model is fit for solving only a few cracks situation , that separate crack model is only fit for dealing with those cracks whose locations is known firstly . but these situations do n ' t reflect the crack characteristic of the steel liner - reinforced concrete penstocks of the three gorges . so , this paper adopts the smear crack model to simulate crack
  • So , changing the material property of slrcp to decrease the crack width or to avoid the crack to happen is a good method . this method can keep the advantage of slrcp , and at the same time avoid its disadvantage . so , two new slrcp . is presented : steel lined steel fiber reinforced concrete penstock ( slsfrcp ) , steel lined steel fiber self - stress reinforced concrete penstock ( slsfsrcp )
    基于此思路,提出了两种改性钢衬钢筋混凝土压力管道:即钢衬钢筋钢纤维混凝土压力管道、钢材钢筋钢纤维自应力混凝土压力管道,并进行了以下开创性的研究: l以三峡电站压力管道为原型,按相似比1 : 10制作完成了常规钢衬钢筋混凝土压力管道、改性钢材钢筋混凝土压力管道模型。
  • Because concrete crack will greatly affect the security of concrete penstock in hydropower station , the paper applies the theory of global optimization method to predict the maximum concrete crack width in steel - lined reinforced concrete penstock and bring forward a predicting model based on the theory of artificial neural network ( ann )
  • In order to ascertain stress behavior of steel lined reinforced concrete pipe accurately , according to the fundamental principle of non - linear computation of reinforced concrete elements , the steel lined reinforced concrete penstock on downstream dam surface in a hydropower station is calculated and analyzed , and the distribution of circumferential stress of the steel lined reinforced concrete pipe is obtained , it proves that it is safe and reasonable to use structures of steel lined reinforced concrete penstock in hydroelectric station construction , and can satisfy the requirement of project
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